This drumming game not only promotes mindfulness but also encourages teamwork, communication, and creativity. It provides an opportunity for students to engage in a rhythmic dialogue, fostering a sense of community and shared experience.
To enhance mindfulness through active listening and collaborative drumming.
Formation: Arrange students in a circle, each with a drum or percussion instrument.
Introduction: Begin by discussing the importance of active listening and being present in the moment. Explain that the game will involve creating a collaborative rhythm as a group.
Emphasise the importance of focusing on the sound of the drums and maintaining a steady rhythm.
Encourage students to listen to what others are playing and adjust their own playing to complement the group rhythm.
Optional – Close your eyes.
For an added challenge and to heighten sensory awareness, you can invite students to close their eyes. This will require them to rely solely on their sense of hearing.
Group Rhythm Creation:
Start with one student initiating a simple rhythm on their drum.
The next student adds a layer to the rhythm, and this continues around the circle.
Encourage students to listen to what’s already happening and contribute in a way that complements the existing rhythm.
Building Complexity:
Gradually add complexity to the rhythm by inviting students to experiment with different drumming patterns, tempos, and dynamics.
Emphasise the importance of maintaining a sense of unity and balance within the group rhythm.
Reflective Discussion:
After the activity, gather the students for a reflective discussion.
Ask them about their experience, what they noticed, and how the activity helped them stay present and focused.
Debrief Questions:
How did it feel to contribute to a group rhythm?
What challenges did you face in maintaining mindfulness during the activity?
How did you adjust your playing based on what you heard from others?
Did closing your eyes change your perception of the activity?
More Resources:
You can learn more rhythmic tools in our Professional Development workshops.
You may also like to view our Sound Healing range for our favourite instruments that promote mindfulness.