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HUMANS of DJEMBE – Part 35 – SHANI CLARK (Baylys Beach, NZ)

By November 2, 2016Blog

humans-of-djembe-35“Hi, I’m Shanida I have been drumming for about 6 years. I’ve gained confidence in playing aswell as being a lead singer. When I first heard about the Baylys beats group at the age of 8, I went over on one of the Wednesday nights and had a go at it and I loved it. I had a few goes at it and then stopped for a while then started back up in 2011.

There were gigs I played at but hadn’t had much experience. In 2012, I brought myself a little djembe from FIJI which I played all the time and learned and gained more skills. 2013 – the first drumming weekend happened in Dargaville. I decided to size up a drum, brought a beautiful sounding / looking drum which I still have now and using constantly. That was definitely all very new to me (drumming weekend) The lovely people and the great food oh and the awesome rhythms that we got taught.

After the drumming weekend we started practicing what we’ve learned. I started the lead singing for Kpanlogo rhythm. Slowly building up my self confidence to sing with a mic at gigs.

2014-2015 I began to learn all rhythms and started to know it gradually off by heart. The last drumming weekend I went to, I got taught how to play the dununs. Had to keep my pace up with everyone so it was very challenging . I’ve also helped out with Josie for the beginners group that happens every year. Playing the duns and also playing with the beginners on different rhythms, it’s cool to know you can teach people what you’ve learnt and you know they’ll be doing the same thing once they’ve learnt heaps. I love how you can just step outside with your drum and play whatever you like. No matter what mistake you do it’s always some sort of rhythm.

I’ve recently tried teaching a couple of mates how to play the songs I’ve learnt. But by numbers – how many of the bass tone and slap of the rhythm. I find it helps, but with a complicated song not so much. As your changing the different tones quite often. I’m looking forward to the drumming weekend in 2 weeks time. All I can say is that I’m much more confident now than I was when I first started . I LOVE it , it has inspired me loads”