Bobo is a special place – it’s one of my favourite places in all of West Africa. I’d bet it has the highest concentration of musicians of any place in the world; talent literally seems to be growing on trees! I stayed in Bobo for 3 months, living with a group of musicians in a typically vibrant “cartier”. For one auspicious ceremony right outside our front door, we invited a man from Mali to come down and share his music and magic with us. What ensued was a two day festival of high octane drum and dance mixed with fetish magic and traditional theatre. Raucous cheering and laughter lifted the theatre of the occasion to new heights on the second day as word spread throughout the town that a Malian witch doctor was here.
There were roosters, horse tail wands, spells, nails & blood… the locals couldn’t get enough of it. It was an awesome experience
– Simon