Tingsha Cymbals
AU $44.00
Made of thick 100% brass, these Cymbals create a beautifully clear, high-pitched sound when struck together.
The Tingsha are traditional instruments used in Tibetan Buddhist practice. Great for signalling the beginning or end of a healing session. Multiple pairs of Tingsha can be played together to weave an exquisite sonic tapestry.
Diameter 7cm | Height 2cm
Please note: Decorative elements may vary, photos are for reference.
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To play Tingsha, hold them by the string so that they hang near one another, then gently lower one onto the other and allow it to slide off.
You can adjust how quickly they connect to give a stronger sound.
Sound healing
Access a state of relaxation and mindfulness with our gorgeous Himalayan healing instruments.
Sound therapy is built on the idea that our brains and bodies operate on various specific frequencies in order to grow, consolidate information, and heal.
We can create sound vibrations at similar frequencies to those our brains use to encourage those beneficial states of being. Similar to meditation, we are trying to teach our brains to access those healing frequencies using a traditional and authentic method.
Some of the benefits of sound therapy include:
Improved mood
Better sleep
Reduced stress and anxiety
Easier access to meditative states
There are many ways to interpret the benefits of sound healing, and we have offered just one. The direction you take on your sonic journey is up to you.
We recommend using good quality headphones for all our sound grabs – they’re recorded at high fidelity for your listening pleasure!
You’re welcome to call us on (03) 9525 3073 or email us [email protected]