Primo djembe
Primo djembe
primo-0445-spice (2)
Primo djembe
primo-0445-spice (3)
Primo djembe
primo-0445-spice (4)

Primo Series 13.5″ Burkina Djembe – Spice


Same day dispatch

Quite a find is Spice – lovely large 13.5″ head size but a sort one she is at 58.5cm
Melodic tonal range with a tuning that highlights the rich warmth of the drum.
Lots of gears for the right owner.

Country: Burkina  //  Wood: Lenke//  Diameter: 13.5″
Height: 58.5cm  //  Weight: 8.7kg  //  Skin: Medium cow

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Watch this Primo Series Djembe below >>


Only 1 left in stock

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More Details

About the Shell
This Primo Series Djembe was hand carved from Lenke timber. Lenke (Afzelia africana) is a premium djembe timber, striking the balance between density and weight. Often referred to as the spiritual wood, lenke is typically orange or deep yellow in colour and offers great projection and the full tonal range of sound. It is well-suited to bigger drums and often produces powerful bass

About the Hide

Cow skins are typically a lot thicker than goat, offering rich melodic sounds. Cranked tightly, they can really scream! Suited to experienced players with tougher hands and well-developed technique. We take care to find the best hide for the shell to maximise its dynamic range.

We offer LIFE LONG TUNING on this Primo Series Djembe. Just drop your drum in to our St Kilda shop and we’ll do our best to crank it on the spot for you. You can also pick it up at a later date. We’ll even give you advice on how to best look after your drum!

Comes complete with an AD Drum Care and Tuning Guide to help you get the most play out of your drum.


We recommend using good quality headphones for all our sound grabs – they’re recorded at high fidelity for your listening pleasure!


You’re welcome to call us on (03) 9525 3073 or email us [email protected]